■ noun
1. A loud outcry; a hubbub.
2. A vehement expression of discontent or protest
3. A loud sustained noise.
■ verb clam·ored, clam·or·ing, clam·ors
1. To make a loud sustained noise or outcry.
Eg. A clamor in the press for pollution control.
jin'go·ist n., jin'go·is'tic adj., jin'go·is'ti·cal·ly adv
■ noun Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.
Eg. Jingoists who thinks it's fun to kill foreigners, just keep that thought in mind they will also be treated as such.
■ noun, plural -ses .
Critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text, esp. of the Bible.
Eg. These are examples of properly formatted exegesis papers on narrative texts.
■ verb heck·led, heck·ling, heck·les
1. To try to embarrass and annoy (someone speaking or performing in public) by questions, gibes, or objections; badger.
2. To comb (flax or hemp) with a hatchel.
Eg. Promise that you won't heckle me after my performance.
EXPURGATE: 2. To make insistent demands or complaints
3. To exclaim insistently and noisily
4. To influence or force by clamoring
■ verb ex·pur·gat·ed, ex·pur·gat·ing, ex·pur·gates
Eg. On the Friday before it was due, the Security Council agreed that the IAEA inspectors would get the copies first, in order to expurgate them
CALLIPYGIAN: To remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from (a book, for example) before publication.
■ adjective Having beautifully proportioned buttocks.
Opposite: Cacopygian
■ noun. pl. ar·ter·ies 1. Anatomy Any of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.
2. A major route of transportation into which local routes flow
Eg. The circulatory system is made up of arteries and veins.
KUDOS: ■ noun Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement;glory,fame.
Eg. I believe she deserves kudos for just putting up with some of the drama that comes with her job.
CLOISTER: ■ noun convent; monastery; covered walkway
■ verb shut away; shut up in a convent or monastery
Eg. My favorite bit of the entire opera is Act II Scene 1, in the cloisters of the monastery of San Giusto.
■ noun
Eg. From the working camps, parties went out to perform various chores, either locally or in small up-river camps.
1. A routine or minor duty or task.
2.Daily or routine domestic tasks, especially a farmer's routine morning and evening tasks, such as feeding livestock.
3. An unpleasant or burdensome task.