GAFF:■noun a stick with a hook or barbed spear, for landing large fish.
Sailing a spar to which the head of a fore-and-aft sail is bent.
■verb seize or impale with a gaff.
eg.Her long bowsprit and low ketch rig with gaff sails show that at times she could carry a large area of canvas.
DOMICILE:■nounformal or Law the country in which a person has permanent residence.
▶ a person's home.
the place at which a company or other body is registered.
■verb (be domiciled) treat a specified country as a permanent home.
eg.Mason's domicile is New York, where she has her principal residenceSPUME:■noun froth or foam, especially that found on waves.
■verb froth or foam.
eg.You can see the tropical beach spuming.
FLOE:■noun a sheet of floating ice.
eg.The ice floe was a definite danger to the small coastal town of the north.ESPIONAGE:■noun the practice of spying or of using spies.
eg.The prisoners were accused of espionage because they were caught near a secret area.
HAWSER:■noun a thick rope or cable for mooring or towing a ship.
eg. It is important to release the hawser as the ship leaves the pier.SOPORIFIC:■adjective inducing drowsiness or sleep.
■noun a soporific drug or other agent.
eg.The effect of his playing on myself and others was to produce a very calm, almost soporific state.
KNOLL:■noun a little rounded hill or mound.
eg.They pulled their sleds up the knoll.ROOD:■noun a crucifix, especially one positioned above the rood screen of a church or on a beam over the entrance to the chancel.
chiefly Brit. a former measure of land area equal to a quarter of an acre (40 square perches, approximately 0.1012 hectare).
eg.The ancient rood is kept at the museum.
■noun the practice of divining or seeking knowledge by supernatural means.
eg.The divination of the high priest was fulfilled.
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